Speaking and Presenting

As well as handling literary and dramatic rights, we represent a number of our clients for television and radio presenting, public appearances (including after-dinner talks, festival appearances, workshops and demonstrations) and commercial partnerships.

To discuss opportunities for any of our authors please contact the relevant primary agent’s assistant. To find out who that is, please check our ‘Authors’ page.

You can download a copy of our Factual TV/Speaker list here.

Please find a full list of our speakers with their respective areas of interest below:

Amelia Abraham

LGBTQ politics and feminism​

Phillip Ball

Science, music and art

Ananyo Bhattacharya

Finance and economics

Dean Burnett

Neuroscience, psychology, happiness and emotions

Jung Chang

China, Mao, Women

Rachel Clarke

Medicine, NHS, Palliative Care, Covid-19

Panashe Chigumadzi

Zimbabwe, South Africa, feminist

Kayo Chingonyi

Zambia, poetry, masculinity, music (grime and hip hop)​

Emily Cockayne

Noise, filth, rubbish, re-cycling, hate mail​

Deborah Cohen​

The British domestic interior, the history of shopping, British social taboo, American journalists of the 30’s​

Sarah Dunant

The Italian Renaissance with particular reference to Florence, Rome under the Borgias and the lives of women. 

David Edgerton

20th Century Britain, science and technology​

Alex Edmans

Purposeful business, sustainable finance, behavioural economics, the use and misuse of data

Helen Fielding

Bridget Jones, writing, comedy and literature

Paul French

North Korea, China (especially in 1930s and 40s), the history of East and North London, true crime​

Dom Joly

Travel, politics, music and comedy​

Will Grant​

Latin America (contemporary and the history of)​

Mathew Green

British History; history of London; history of coffeehouses, gin and wine​

Harriet Harman

Women, politics, women and politics, the Labour party​

Daisy Hay

The Romantics, Mary Shelley, English Literature​

Simon Mundie

Psychology of sport and what we can learn from it​

Lyndal Roper

Martin Luther, witchcraft, The Reformation, early Modern German History, Gender History​

Ash Sarkar

Current affairs relating particularly to race, gender, class, power and immigration​

Anne Sebba

Women of the 20th century including Wallis Simpson, Jennie Churchill, Ethel Rosenberg, Women in Paris 1939-49, Women Journalists, Laura Ashley, Mother Theresa​

Nicholas Shakespeare

Winston Churchill, the qualities of leadership, Bruce Chatwin, Ian Fleming

Vicky Spratt

Housing crisis, generation rent, contraception, women’s health and feminism​

Andrew Steele

Biology (ageing), physics

Rory Stewart

Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arab World, Empire, prisons, the Scottish borders, Democracy

James Suzman

Anthropology, work, nature​

Thant Myint-U

Burma, the UN​

Hugo Vickers

The Royal Family and Royal History, Cecil Beaton, Vivien Leigh

Amanda Vickery

The Georgians, The 1950’s and women’s history​

Tom Weber

Hitler, European and International Political History, International affairs​

Emma Whipday

Shakespeare, Tudor/early modern history and literature, theatre history, women’s history, history of the home and family

Dominic Wilcox

Art, design, invention​

Richard Williams

Motor racing, sport, rock music, jazz, photography and art​

Andrew Wilson

Agatha Christie, Patricia Highsmith, Alexander McQueen, Sylvia Plath, survivors of the Titanic, Harold Robbins​

Kit Yates


Adam Zamoyski

Napoleon, Chopin, the history of Poland and Europe​