Rave review for The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn in The Sunday Times

The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn comes out next week and we are delighted to see a fantastic first review from India Knight in The Sunday Times: “Honestly, I want to sound a trumpet and put out some flags. [The Whalebone Theatre] is pure heaven from first word to last. It’s a debut novel, incredibly for something so assured and fully realised …This is lucid storytelling. Here is the world, Quinn seems to say, in all its glory and misery, its tiny little joys and its great dollops of pain — all of it valuable and there for the taking, to make of what you will. The Whalebone Theatre is one of those books that has you hooting with laughter one minute (although the laughter is never unkind, which is a whole other skill; you never snigger) and feeling absolutely floored the next, not just because of the meanderings of the plot or Quinn’s acute emotional intelligence, but because she is one of those writers who has her finger on humanity’s pulse. An absolute treat of a book, to be read and reread.”

To read the rest of the review click here.